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高雪超,博士,教授,硕士生导师,化工学院化工设计教研中心副主任。分别于2007年和2010年在河北工业大学、华东理工大学获得学士学位和硕士学位(导师:曾作祥教授、薛为岚副教授),2014年在昆士兰大学(The   University of Queensland)获得博士学位(导师:Suresh   K. Bhatia院士和Joe   da Costa教授),博士毕业后到中科院宁波材料所工作,于2016年底加入南京工业大学,并于2017年入选江苏省“双创博士(双创博士)”高层次人才。Xuechao   Gao received his Bachelor and Master degree from Hebei University of   Technology in 2007 and East China University of Science and Technology   (ECUST) under the joint supervision of Prof. Zuoxiang Zeng and Associate   Professor Weilan Xue in 2010, respectively. After a four years study in the   University of Queensland (UQ), Xuechao Gao received his doctoral degree under   the supervision of Professor Suresh K. Bhatia and Prof. Joe da Costa. After a   short stay in Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering affiliated   to Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIMTE), Xuechao Gao moved to Nanjing Tech   University (NJTECH), where he was selected as the talent program- Doctorial Programs for Innovation and   Entrepreneurship of Jiangsu Province in 2017.


(1) 承担《化工软件应用》、《化工过程分析与合成》、《毕业设计》本科课程教学,承担《化工系统工程》研究生课程教学。参与指导多支学生队伍获得全国大学生化工设计竞赛特等奖。   The   main lectured courses are ‘Software Applications for Chemical Engineering’, ‘Analysis   and Synthesis of Chemical Process’, ‘Chemical Process Systems Engineering’.

(2) 研究方向主要分为:膜材料应用和工艺研究、孔道传质分离过程基础研究、工艺流程模拟和设计。The   main research areas include the application and process of membrane materials,   fluid transport in nanopores, and process simulation and design.


目前主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、中国博士后基金面上项目1项和宁波市自然科学基金1项目,并作为主要研究骨干参与国家重点研发计划、江苏省重点研发计划等项目。迄今已经在Journal   of Membrane ScienceChemical   Engineering ScienceSeparation   and Purification TechnologyACS   Applied Material InterfacesJournal   of Molecular LiquidJournal   of Advanced CeramicsChemical   Engineering Research and DesignPhysica   A等化学化工主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文近40余篇,授权专利1件,参编学术专著1本《Transport   of Fluids in Nanoporous Materials》,曾任SCI期刊ProcessesMolecules传质专刊编辑,并担任多个知名SCI学术期刊的常用审稿人。At   present, Xuechao Gao has secured several grants, including three grants from   National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one grant from China   Postdoctoral Science Foundation, one grant from Natural Science Foundation of   Ningbo. Up to date, he has authors nearly 40 articles in well-known   peer-reviewed articles, including Journal   of Membrane Science, Chemical   Engineering Science, Separation and   Purification Technology, ACS   Applied Material Interfaces,   Journal of Molecular Liquid, Journal   of Advanced Ceramics, Chemical   Engineering Research and Design, Physica   A et al. In addition, he applied three Chinese patents, and edited one   academic book Transport   of Fluids in Nanoporous Materials. He severed as a guest editor in SCI-indexed journals   Processes,   Molecules as well as a regular   reviewer for several academic journals.

代表性论文(Selected   publications)

1. Wang   J., Zhang J., Zhou H., *Gao X.,   *Gu X. A coupling process of distillation   with vapor permeation and adsorption for production of fuel ethanol: A comparative   analysis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 61, 1167-1178.   (IF=3.71)

2. Gao X., Da   C., Chen C., Li Z., *Gu X., Bhatia S. K.   The induced orientation effect of linear gases during transport in a NaA zeolite   membrane modified by alkali lignin, J.   Membr. Sci., 2021, 620, 118971.

3. Gao X., Li   Z., Chen C., Da C., *Liu L., *Tian S., Ji G. The determination of the pore shape and interfacial barrier of entry   for light gases transport in amorphous TEOS-derived silica: A finite element method,   ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,   2021, 13, 4804-4812.

4. Liu   H., Liu J., Hong Z., Wang S., *Gao   X., *Gu X., Preparation of   hollow fiber membranes from mullite particles with aid of sintering additives,   J. Adv. Ceram., 2021, 10,   78-87.

5. Lin   Z., *Liu L., Liu C., *Gao X.   Adsorptive separation of Xe/Kr using nanoporous   carbons in the presence of I2 and CH3I, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021,   119161

6. 刘佳男, 李宗衡, 李智, *高雪超. 醋酸乙烯的热泵精馏工艺模拟, 现代化工,   2021, 41(1), 215-218.

7. #Gao X., #Wang   S., Wang J., Xu S., *Gu X. The study on   the coupled process of column distillation and vapour permeation by NaA   zeolite membrane for ethanol dehydration, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2019, 150, 246-253.

阅读次数:     发布时间:2021-11-15

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